Rid Your Silverware Drawer of Crumbs

It’s disgusting isn’t it? All the crumbs that build up in your silverware drawer over time. We can ignore them only so long before we must plan a few extra minutes to rid them for good. Or at least until they build up again. Plan to spend 10 minutes today to take the silverware out…

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Cleaning Your Carpets Tightwad Style

“Magic 8 Ball, will I have a clean house this spring?” “It is certain!” If you have ever hired us to come into your home or office and clean, then you know how meticulous we like to be. If it has a corner, we’re going to reach it. If it has a cushion to lift,…

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Sticky Cabinets No More

When is the last time you ran your hand across your kitchen cabinet doors? When you do, are they smooth or sticky? Most kitchens see a lot of activity, and over time grease, steam, and a splatters land on your cupboards and build-up until there’s a light layer of goo. The good news is that…

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Carpet Cleaning Tips

Our new carpet cleaning service is proving to be popular, especially as winter approaches and people ready their homes for guests around the holidays. While our special carpet cleaning process is safe for pets and kids, uses no harsh chemicals, and leaves your carpet virtually dry, there are a few tips to help you get…

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